Home Sweet Home

There’s no place like home. And for different people, it turns out that home is somewhere different. New York City was awesome, but when I saw that Chicago skyline as our plane was landing, I automatically felt more relaxed. Calm. At ease.

Life brings us huge changes all the time; and for me, at least one big one is approaching – maybe even two or three. One thing I can guarantee: Chicago will always be home.

Photo Source: Wikimedia Commons

Long Saturday

I finally feel mostly recovered from this past Saturday. From 9 AM until 5 PM, I was recording with The City and Restoration Project at the Dragon Room. Then, at 6:30 PM, I packed up my gear for a performance in Elmhurst, IL, at Cuvee Cellars. I arrived back home at 11:45 PM. Long day? I’ll say so.

Saturday was a super-productive session, recording cello for two songs, for two different records coming out in the next four months. “Jump” is a song that I wrote, and The City decided to record a down-tempo version of the song – quite obviously different from the version found on my new solo album, “Fundamental.” The other song, “O Love Divine” will be on ResProj’s upcoming April release. Thank you so much, Jason Young, for your hard work on these parts. You were great!