P90X and Climbing

A very good friend of mine recently recommended that I try working out with the P90X home fitness video series. He was so serious about having me give it a shot that, for my birthday, he bought me a pull-up bar. Why I all that interested? Nope. Do I like home fitness videos? Definitely not? But do I want to improve my climbing ability? Absolutely.

Some of you may remember that my first post of the new year (2011) was a set of new year resolutions. You can read ’em HERE. One of those resolutions was to climb 5.11a. Basically, it’s a difficulty rating system used by climbers and anything rated 5.11x is right in the middle of it – not too easy, not too hard. So all in all, I set a humble, moderate goal of being able to climb about 1/2 of all routes.

I’ve only done two sessions/days of P90X and, so far, it has spanked my pants off – hard. On the third day, yesterday, I went climbing at Devil’s Lake. I was sore, but was able to pull off a couple of good routes fairly cleanly – a couple 5.8’s and a 5.9. (Devil’s Lake ratings are stiffer than anywhere else I’ve climbed, so a Devil’s 5.8 is really at least a “real” 5.9 and a Devil’s 5.9 is at least a “real” 5.10a.

A few months ago – back in May, when I was climbing more regularly (READ: before our second child was born), I was easily climbing 5.10b and was close to climbing 5.10c. (The steps from 5.10a and 5.11a are: 5.10a, 5.10b, 5.10c, 5.10d, and 5.11a.) I feel like I’ve taken a small step backwards, but still hope to be able to accomplish my goal by year-end.

So the hope is that P90X helps to round out my training, so that I’m not *just* climbing, which has pretty much been the case for a while now. I’ve been feeling like a slug, and, with the exception of a handful of runs between today and this past May, it’s been all I’ve done.

I’ll fill you in on how I’m doing in the coming weeks…

The Notebook, 2012, and a Goal

Let me start off by saying that I’ve totally blown a few of my new year resolutions. One of those was to write – music or lyrics – every day. Hasn’t happened. I’ve just lost the routine and now I am on a quest to find it again… Here, routinie, routinie, routinie… come here, boy. Wheredja go?….

Next, during the blizzard of 2011, Megan and I watched the movie 2012. Awful. I like Mr. Cusack, but this was bad. Two hours I can’t get back.
Finally, in addition to trying to get back on the horse called Resolution, I have a crazy goal of having one article printed in a newspaper, ezine, or other medium every-other week for the next 12 weeks. So far, so good. Here’s what we’ve had so far:
10 Jan 2011 – Chicago Sun-Times
18 Jan 2011 – Daily Herald
28 Jan 2011 – COD Courier
And next week (Wednesday), I’ll have a pretty big spread in the Lombardian.
After that, I’m not sure where the next coverage will come from, but I’m optimistic that I can keep this streak going!
Talk to you soon, and look for me in your local paper!