Kickstarter Alternatives, Homecoming Dance Show

Quick update to my recent posts about starting a Kickstarter campaign. I’m not doing it. But I will. Just not through Kickstarter. I’m currently looking for alternative ways to fund my next, big project. If you’re wondering why I’ve decided against Kickstarter, here’s a blurb from their site’s “new project” set-up page:

If your project is successfully funded, Kickstarter will apply a 5% fee to the funds raised, and Amazon will apply credit card processing fees (between 3-5%). If funding isn’t successful, there are no fees.

I promise I’ll blog about this later. In the meantime, stay tuned. I expect to have this all sorted out within the week.

Last thing: I’m performing at this year’s Glenbard East Homecoming Dance! This year is special. Read why.

New Fundraising Campaign Starting Sept 15!

Beginning September 15th, you’ll be given a special opportunity to support my art and the creation of my next album by donating to a campaign on

To get a sense of what I’m going for, and to support a fellow songwriter, Josh Garrels, please check out this Vimeo video he and a friend made:

Josh is extremely talented and I have a ton of respect for him; and in the video above, he articulates my own desires as a songwriter in a way that I have never been able to do. He pretty much explains the DIY mentality and how many songwriters approach their art and creative process.

For more information, check back soon! And, you can read my blogpost, here: