Kickstarter Alternatives, Homecoming Dance Show

Quick update to my recent posts about starting a Kickstarter campaign. I’m not doing it. But I will. Just not through Kickstarter. I’m currently looking for alternative ways to fund my next, big project. If you’re wondering why I’ve decided against Kickstarter, here’s a blurb from their site’s “new project” set-up page:

If your project is successfully funded, Kickstarter will apply a 5% fee to the funds raised, and Amazon will apply credit card processing fees (between 3-5%). If funding isn’t successful, there are no fees.

I promise I’ll blog about this later. In the meantime, stay tuned. I expect to have this all sorted out within the week.

Last thing: I’m performing at this year’s Glenbard East Homecoming Dance! This year is special. Read why.

Everything I Do

Over the last couple of months, I have begun to see more clearly that I simultaneously have my hands in a good number of musical cookie jars, if you will, and that the way I have approached promoting everything might not be the best way forward…

Up until now, I’ve been somewhat successful at keeping all of my projects separate, distinct, and relatively autonomous, but at the very expense of what I’m trying to do: share my music – all of it – with as many people as possible. The purpose of this, initially, was to try to minimize confusion between my projects and, in some ways, try to limit the exposure of people to music that they might not like. For example, people who like country music might not like metal… Of course, this was never exactly my problem…

In the coming weeks, you will start to see some new changes on the website, highlighting the various musical projects that I’m involved in. The result, I hope, is that you’ll find more music that inspires you and that you are eager to support.

Thank you for allowing me to serve you by creating music.