New Music Tuesday: Pick of the Week

Perhaps I have been a little over-zealous in my endeavor to review a bunch of albums each week, released every Tuesday. We’ll see how this goes in the future, but for this week, I just have a single album recommendation: Ivan & Alyosha‘s All the Time We Had.

Buy it on iTunes:

I first heard about Ivan & Alyosha through Noisetrade, back in May of 2011. I downloaded their EP Father’s Be Kind and have really liked it. eI&A’s sound is folk/alt-country, and their newest album reminds me of an interesting combination of Simon and Garfunkel, Elvis, The Beach Boys, Chicago, and some other classic country-twanger, whose name eludes me at the moment.

I haven’t had a chance to really dig into the lyrics. I’ve focused more on the music and melodies. The album features several gems, in my opinion: “Running for Cover” and “Easy to Love”. Even better, these two songs are featured on iTunes and at Starbucks. “RFC” is iTunes’ Single of the Week *now* and “ETL” was Starbucks’ most recent Pick of the Week. Whoever is doing marketing for these fellows seems to know what he’s doing.

So go check it out.