Blurb from My Latest Newsletter

I don’t do this – ever, but I thought it would be good for you all to hear, if you haven’t already read it in my latest newsletter… This is a cut and paste from the email I sent out to my music mailing list just a couple days ago, on August 26, 2011 (by the way, if you’re not already on it, please sign up for my mailing list at, filling out the mailing list form on the right side of the page, towards the top):

In just a few, short weeks, I will be the father of two, beautiful children. Having kids makes you think, and, paradoxically, gives you less time. Maybe what really happens is you just think better with what little time you have to think.
I’ve put in a lot of time – and money – into my music over the years. (I just realized that this past February marked the 10-year anniversary of the release of my album, Leave it All Behind.) Don’t worry. This isn’t a break-up letter.
I’m not losing steam – just trying to evaluate things. What I can say is that I’m even more inspired today by life than I ever have been. I can’t help but write and perform. And I’m also even more excited by what I call a genuine musical experience. What I long to see in other recording artists – and what I long to show to you – is a picture of who the artist really is – not some projected image – some amalgamation of marketing tactics and strategies.
In an effort to better show you who I am, I’m going to continue doing what I do: writing music that comes from my heart, my experiences, and reflects who I am and how I feel. I might blog less. I might tweet more. I might be on Facebook less. I will write more music. I will post that music online. I will beg and ask for your support of that music.
Music keeps me going. If I lost my hearing, I’d self-combust.
Thanks for your support, and come on out on 9/4 if you can!

Now Serving BMI Artists…

I just received an email today from my performing rights organization (PRO), BMI Inc., that they just signed a deal with Spotify that pays BMI artists for music streamed from the Spotify application. Awesome. So feel free to stream away those Jay Mathes tunes in Spotify, knowing that I’m actually getting paid when you do!