Homecoming: and Coming Home

I had a ton of fun on Saturday night performing at the Glenbard East Homecoming Dance! I have to tell you, straight-up, I only went to one dance my whole four years in high school: my senior year prom. That was cool, and I knew this then, too, but I’m pretty sure I that I now know what I was really missing by not going. Anyway, how often do you really get to get dressed up – I mean to the nines? Answer: not very often. Especially not without your parents hassling you at the party.

I want to give a shout out to all of my new friends from the dance! Thanks for coming by my merch table to talk! It was also great to see a few familiar faces. I hope you all are as excited about my upcoming album release as I am! Still just a working title – no real set album concept yet.

Chris: great job playing. It’s a pleasure, and we’ll definitely hang out soon.

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