Go Cubs!

So for those of you who don’t know, I’m a Cubs fan. I wish the Sox all the best, but let’s face it: they’re just not the Cubs. And here’s something else: Sox fans are fair-weather fans. A Cubs fan is always a Cubs fan.

I grew up with baseball. I grew up playing it and going to Cubs games. Of course, it helps when your dad is a true-blue North-sider. (He grew up in Andersonville and went to Amundson High.) Some of my best memories growing up happened around baseball. Especially vivid are the string of games I went to with my dad in California. We saw all five California baseball teams play in one week, going to games at four of the five Cali ballparks: the Dodgers, Padres, Angels, Giants, and A’s.

And what brings back these memories? Well, last week, Megan and I scored free tickets to a game against the Padres. Two, great friends of ours had extra tix, so the four of us went together. The Cubs clobbered the struggling Padres. Even though it was freezing that night, there’s just something about being at Wrigley, watching your home team play under the lights. It’s magical.

Here’s to America’s favorite past-time…

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