Don’t Be So Nosey

So this week, I discovered that if something on my head hurts or doesn’t feel right, I get cranky. Oh yeah: and I hate health insurance companies. So in addition to my whole “nose fiasco” this week, Megan had her wisdom teeth pulled on Tuesday. Between the two of us, we were quite a pair! (Obviously, all of this junk was the cause of my lapse in weekly posts.)

And about that cranky part: it’s totally understandable that people are more prone to fits of rage while their heads are in a mess. Understandable. But still not acceptable. We (and by “we” I mean “I”) have to remember that whatever I’m dealing with – however bad – I’m always doing better than I deserve, and it’s always better than it could be.

So with this new nose issue I’m dealing with, there’s a possibility that my recordings are going to get pushed back a little. The new EP may not be ready for my out of town shows in September. But we’ll see. I’m working hard to stay on schedule, and within the next two weeks, I’ll really know where we stand.

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