Snow in Spring, Rain in Florida

So this past week, Megan and I went to Florida for a couple of days. And yes, you may have noticed that there wasn’t a video because of it… We had a great time, traveling all over the state: from Daytona to Cape Canaveral, to Orlando and Disney, to Tampa, on the Gulf. We were able to catch up a little with some good friends of ours, spend some time at the beach, and eat. And eat some more. The only downer, you see, is that it rained for two and a half days of the six that we were there. But at least it was in the seventies…

We came home on Saturday to 40 degrees and a snowstorm in the forecast. Completely unpleasant, and absolutely unnecessary. And as our pilot said, “Apparently Chicago still hasn’t gotten the memo that it’s Spring.”

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