On Performing for 4th and 5th Graders

This afternoon, I gave two, short presentations of classes of students at Norton Creek Elementary School, in West Chicago, IL. The presentations were a part of the school’s segment on “Writing in the Real World”. Obviously, I spoke to them about songwriting and lyric-writing. I then had an opportunity to perform a couple of songs for them all. It was an awesome experience.

First of all, any chance I get to perform, I take it. I just plain love it.

Secondly, speaking to these students reminded me about why I write, why I perform, and why I pursue a career where people on the outside think that I’m crazy. I was born to write music, born to create it, and *have* to make it. To not act on these most-basic of passions is to act contrary to how I was hard-wired to live. Writing, to me, is as vital as breathing. Whether it makes me any money in the end is of no consequence – or relevance.

I love writing music, and performing and recording it.

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