Comcast Promo Rates Forever!?!?!

About six months ago, I set up internet service with Comcast. At that time, the sales associate I spoke with said that I would be able to easily extend my promotional rate – an unlimited number of times – by simply calling Comcast the month before my current promotion ended to request an extension. Yes, an extension of my current promo – not a new one. I wasn’t really sure about any of this, but I took it in stride…

And so, it has now been five and a half months, and I just called Comcast this evening. A cool girl named Dominique said that she’ll have to call me back tomorrow, after she speaks with the sales department, to see about extending my offer. So far, so good. I should get a call tomorrow around 4 PM! We’ll see. I have high hopes and low self esteem. (Yeah, I know that that doesn’t make any sense.)

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