On a Cooking Kick

I’ve been on a cooking kick for the last few days. I love to cook, but it’s rare for me to do it – and even rarer to do it for three days in a row! Main courses are really what excite me. Here’s what was on the menu the last three nights:

Monday: Drunken Steak ala Steve Raichlen (replete with Jim Beam)
Tuesday: Grilled Chicken Fajitas
Wednesday: BBQ Meat Loaf

And here’s what’s ahead:

Thursday: Baked Chicken Tenders
Friday: Grilled Tilapia
Saturday: (I’m out of town, so I can’t cook!)
Sunday: Baked Mostaccioli

I even have some ideas for next week already… chili, turkey balls, beef and broccoli…

Yeah, okay, so this is kinda weird. I’m just sort of spouting out food stuff like this. It almost feels like I’m tweeting (but with a much higher character count). But there is a method to my madness:

Preparing dinner is like writing a song – “preparing” a song, if you will. You need to have all of the right ingredients (inspiration, a pen and paper, an instrument) and you have to add everything together at the proper time and place (time to sit down and write, a quiet place to work).

You can’t force a good meal just like you can’t force out a good song. When I force a dish, I usually under- or over-cook it. When I force a song, I blunder it – and it ends up in the trash.

And, of course, if any of you are interested in getting recipes from me, I can get them to you…

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