Finding Victory in the Everyday Struggles

Okay, so this is a pretty lofty-sounding post title; and, to be honest, I don’t really have any good answers to this major life-issue. But just because I don’t have *an* answer doesn’t mean that I don’t think I have a few ideas that might help us out. I’ll just share one, though, for now…

Being individual beings, we find it really difficult to put ourselves in the shoes of other individuals; and even if we feel like we’re gifted at being sympathetic – or even empathetic – we likely don’t maintain a perpetual state of being that is accompanied by a constant burden for others and how they feel or how they would react to our actions. And thus, our principle:

One way that we can find victory over our common, everyday struggles is to remember that we don’t “do life” on our own – but in community. Every action affects the whole – no matter how small.

It’s a simple enough statement, but it’s much harder to practice. One thing that I’ve been trying to do to help reshape my worldview to reflect more of a communal living-type of attitude is to simply think about what my friends and family are doing while I am washing the dishes, hanging laundry on the clothes line, or playing with my son.

So there you have it. That’s one thing I’m working on in my own life; and, by grace, hopefully it’s one area that will improve in this 29th year of my life.

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