Website Updates and the Double-Edged Sword

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been doing a bunch of updates to the website (, and finally, I can say that I won’t be doing any major updates for a long, long time…

The main updates:

  • Design Fundamental ad on homepage.
  • Music page updates to include songs from Fundamental
  • Extras page has all new stuff
  • Music album pages now have album info, credits
  • Albums now have downloadable artwork – covers and booklets
  • Listen to every song from my three most recent records in new music players

Now, some of this stuff wasn’t necessary, but it has been on my to do list for a while. And, I think as we continue to move towards a more online digital media-based society (especially when it comes to music), this extra content really starts to add some significant value to the site.

But there is one, major drawback:

Because I am *capable* of doing all of this updating myself, I do. It takes a lot of time – time away from writing and practicing music. But at least I don’t have to pay someone to do it. It’s a skill – perhaps necessary. Well, at least at this stage of the game, it’s definitely necessary – because I’m doing it. Hence, I am typing this at 12:26 AM…

Time for bed! And let me know what you think of the updates!

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