Busting Buns, No DSL, and Performing at Columbia

The past six days have been awesome. I’ve worked my butt off, rehearsing for a concert I had yesterday, writing a song for this week’s vlog, and practiced several instruments. I can’t believe that my last post was two weeks ago! Seriously, unbelievable. I don’t know where two weeks went.

This past week, Monday through Thursday, I moved my live show rig into a secret, secluded location, away from the chaos of my small apartment. (Actually, it was my parents’ basement. They graciously opened their home to me for the week.) I started my nights at around 4:30 PM, and rehearsed and recorded until about 11:15 PM. They were long nights, but rewarding ones. Plus, I was fed well (although I never expected to be fed at all).

Another big factor in my lack of posting was the fact that, until this afternoon, I haven’t had internet service at the apartment since last Saturday – eight days ago. To make a long story short, I screwed up. I canceled Comcast service, then ordered AT&T service, then AT&T screwed up and it took them an extra four days to get us online. Phew! We’re good now, though.

My concert at Columbia College, as a part of Manifest, the school’s end-of-the-year urban arts festival, was awesome. I met a ton of really cool people, made a few friends, and was able to share – if only a part of – my new, live show, incorporating piano, triggered effects and drums, and my new computer. I’d like to give a special thanks to Cynthia Vargas for inviting me to perform. It was a blast, and I’d love to do it again next year!

I’ll be posting pictures from the show some time this week, when I get pictures from a few student photographers who were covering the event.

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