Tuesdays, Fridays are for Recording

Well, last week, I sat down and figured out how much recording time I’m going to need to complete the new album, “Glimmer”. I figured around 180 hours for 10 songs, which covers tracking, initial mixing, and working with mixing and mastering engineers. A daunting task, but certainly manageable.

In working towards my goal of release the album in the Spring, I have set aside two, full days each week to record. It was a necessary designation. This past Tuesday (yesterday) was my first, big recording day, and I couldn’t be happier with the results! I tracked guitars and bass for my song “Wine and Rose”, after Jameson Cunningham layed down drum tracks last month. The song is going to be raw, catchy, and full of energy. Still more guitars to track, though.

Also, there have been a few other major changes on the home front for me: I’ve asked a good friend of mine and fellow songwriter, Gary Stanton, to co-produce with me on Glimmer. He has great ears, and I’m looking forward to sitting down with him to analyze and tear apart every, single song.

And another big change: I’m still in process on this, but I’ve begun a search for a side-kick – someone who can help me with booking and promotion, and someone who is as passionate about my music as I am. After reaching out to a friend of mine who works for Warner Bros. Records in Chicago, I think I may have found my (wo-) man. Stay tuned.

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