Back to the Basics: Booking 101

If there’s something I’ve had a lot of time to think about over the last six months, it’s how I was going to approach booking for this coming season. As you know, I’ve been up to my eyeballs in work for Restoration Project, and it’s been a struggle to balance booking with recording, promoting, producing, writing, living, etc. BTW, the album drops next week. You should buy a copy.

But seriously, this week marks another hard push for me with booking shows all over the country – for friends and family and fans. Here are a few things I have been reminded of, as I’ve made calls, sent emails, and in other ways tried to get shows:

1. I love the music I write. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have the motivation to call people I don’t know and ask them to consider me to play for their schools, venues, coffeehouses, churches, etc.

2. There are a lot of people in the world who suck. And they’re going to screw you. The only question is: “How am I going to react when it happens?” I’ve decided that I am only responsible for, and can only control, my own actions. I have to do what’s right: forget about it and move on. And I have to believe that in the end people will get what they deserve: “Not well done, wicked and slothful servant…”

3. Finally, I believe that a lot of people can relate to my music. They hang on to the words; they are looking for some resolution to some of life’s most mysterious questions. I can be passionate about booking concerts because I think I touch on some of these things. I’m not saying I have all the answers, but I do think great live music can *change* people – how they look at the world, what they think about when they wake up in the morning.

I’m *really* looking forward to playing some awesome college shows this year, meeting new people, and following the passions set in my heart. I can’t wait to serve you (and you’re just like me!) and share my life and music. Because, as you know, I am a songwriter. I was *made* to write. And if I didn’t, I would probably cease to exist.

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