Back from Spain, Pounding the Pavement

Never before has there been a time like this in my music career. Never before have I been where I now am. Let me let you in on a little secret: I have never before taken a three-week trip to Spain at the age of 23, only to return to a full performance schedule. What I am saying is that there is never a second like the next, and the time is ripe for me to put things in motion.

Spain was a blast. I spent over two weeks hanging out with Spanish and American students in a small town about 40 miles north of Barcelona. The remaining half-week was travelling and spending several days in Barcelona. I love the European contrast between old buildings and history with new, modern technology: 2006 cars next to 1600’s buildings, an internet cafe next to a 300-year-old statue. Bonito! I even picked up a bit of Spanish while I was at it – just enough to get by. I’ll have pics posted soon – either on MySpace, purvol, or here.

About my show schedule and other music news, here’s where we’re at: I’m totally bummed about having to cancel the Fat Bean Battle of the Bands show. I was totally looking forward to it, but scheduling just didn’t work out for the whole band. We decided it would be best, too, to have more time to rehearse new material, etc. By the way, we’re looking to get in to the studio soon – hopefully to have some full-band recordings on MySpace by year’s end. Come check out one of my upcoming shows (most are solo)! I’m really looking forward to playing in DeKalb tomorrow night!

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